Follow our dedicated roadmap for transformation. Accelerate your progress and unlock new capabilities.
Follow our dedicated roadmap for transformation. Accelerate your progress and unlock new capabilities.
Why not discuss your transformation goals with one of Hexagon's dedicated machine shop specialists? Create a strategy that's bespoke to your business and deliver it with confidence.
1.Quoting and planning – to achieve success in manufacturing, it is essential to integrate strategic planning tools to power the quoting and planning stages. Precision is key, driven by data, and operational excellence is attainable through the optimisation of resource allocation, synchronisation of schedules, and efficient work order tracking.
2.Designs and reviews – develop your ability to manage diverse customer requests by prioritising adaptability in recreating designs and enabling real-time design reviews between the shop and the customer. This flexibility is essential for meeting varied customer needs.
3.Manufacturing preparation – leverage the latest technology to maintain design intent, optimise productivity, and deliver high-quality components. This includes collision-free code creation, work-holding component preparation, and integrating additive manufacturing and digital simulation for increased efficiency.
4.Manufacturing – optimise machine shop production by integrating advanced tools and monitoring systems. Leverage data and analytics to gain insights into machine operation. Incorporate automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to enhance precision and reduce errors, surpassing operational benchmarks.
5.Shop floor measurement – transform your workshop into a data-driven realm of excellence by adopting shop-floor measurement technology. Cutting-edge tools provide real-time insights, detect deviations, and offer actionable data for continuous process refinement, ensuring precision and adherence to design specifications.
6.Inspection – prioritise inspection technology, including coordinate measuring machines and 3D laser scanners, to ensure accuracy in machined components. This facilitates root-cause analysis, enabling prompt adjustments and process enhancements, reinforcing your commitment to quality and technical leadership.
7.Reporting – establish a vital feedback loop for continuous improvement in machine shops through quality reporting and analysis. These elements provide a comprehensive view of the manufacturing process, enabling targeted optimisations, informed decision-making, and innovation for unparalleled quality and efficiency gains.
Follow our dedicated roadmap for transformation. Accelerate your progress and unlock new capabilities.
Follow our dedicated roadmap for transformation. Accelerate your progress and unlock new capabilities.
Why not discuss your transformation goals with one of Hexagon's dedicated machine shop specialists? Create a strategy that's bespoke to your business and deliver it with confidence.
Why not discuss your transformation goals with one of Hexagon's dedicated machine shop specialists? Create a strategy that's bespoke to your business and deliver it with confidence.
Why not discuss your transformation goals with one of Hexagon's dedicated machine shop specialists? Create a strategy that's bespoke to your business and deliver it with confidence.